In the next few days, legislators in St Paul will be taking up the Health and Human Services Omnibus bill and we need your help to oppose it!

Here’s why. 

Tucked inside this massive bill is funding for abortions… funding that comes from YOUR tax dollars!

Our Director, Ben Dorr, was at the capitol all day yesterday talking with Senators about MNRTL’s opposition to this horrible legislation and he filmed this video that gives you all the details on this legislation. 

Please watch it now!

As you can see, this legislation is abhorrent.

Not only does it allow for more babies to be murdered in our state, it forces people of Faith and those morally opposed to abortions to PAY for it!

Worse, politicians in BOTH parties have voted to fund abortion for many years using this HHS funding bill. 

If you’re opposed to this legislation like we are, please sign your pledge below telling your Representatives and Senators that you want them to STOP Taxpayer Funding for abortions and remove it from the bill.

Once you’ve signed, we’ll make sure your Representatives in St Paul get the message!

But when you’re done, please help us in our mission for LIFE by making a contribution right away.

Whether it’s $5 or $500, we’ll put it to immediate use informing and educating pro-life voters about how this legislation works, who is pushing it and what THEY can do to help stop it now and in the future!

All I ask is that you be as generous as you’re able.

Thank you so much for all your support and we’ll have more updates from the capitol soon!

For the Babies, 

Amanda Fuller
Minnesota Right to Life