Happy Independence Day to you and your family from all of us at Minnesota Right to Life!

When we stop and think about the history of our nation and where we are today, we can’t help but notice a couple truths. 

The first is that our nation was born a Christian nation, having wrestled our great freedoms from the hands of kings and tyrants who wanted to control us. That victory gave us the ability to worship God in peace and make our own laws. 

The second is that no matter what the pro-aborts say, the right to kill an unborn child is not a “constitutional right” as our forefathers could not have fathomed that kind of barbarism being allowed under the freedoms they fought and died for.  

They built this nation to be a God-honoring one and enshrined in our Constitution the right to LIFE, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  

So on this day we give thanks for our forefathers who fought and died to give us the greatest country the world has ever known and we will continue fighting to end the scourge of abortion and to return our great country to the foundational principles that it was founded on!

Happy Independence Day!!   

For the Babies,