Can I ask you for two things quick?

First and most important, please pray for the babies, for our work, for Minnesota Right to Life and for the state of Minnesota? 

We’re in such a battle right now for the heart and soul of our state and our nation. God hears the prayers of His people, and we need them now more than ever. 

If you can do that, THANK YOU and God bless you!

The second favor is more temporal and I hate to ask… 

But tonight is our end-of-month fundraising deadline and Minnesota Right to Life is working off a shoestring budget, and we’re behind for where we need to be at for the end of May!

Can you contribute and help us reach our fundraising goals for this month before MIDNIGHT tonight?

The sad truth is politics is often a numbers game… ie ‘How much money is Planned Parenthood spending to buy off politicians vs how much MNRTL is spending to mobilize pro-life voters to stop abortion laws.’

In the last 5 months alone, MNRTL has spent well over $120,000 on radio ads, direct mail, online ads, petition drives, and more, educating and mobilizing pro-life Minnesotans to put pressure on legislators to stop their abortion agenda!

The fact is, the pro-aborts are hoping we fall far behind by not reaching our fundraising goals.

You see, they’re watching to see the numbers we post to gauge the energy in the pro-life community going forward and with Republicans across the country stating that being pro-life is “bad politics” we have our work cut out for us.  

Given those facts AND after such a huge expense over the last few months, PLEASE help us finish this month STRONG for the babies by making a donation today!

Thank you for your prayers and for your contributions to our cause. Your help is making ALL the difference. 

For the Babies, 

Amanda Fuller
Minnesota Right to Life