The media, the Abortion Lobby and members of BOTH parties all understand just how big of a year 2024 will be for the pro-life movement in Minnesota and nationally.

No matter how you slice it, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Very soon the 2024 session of the Minnesota legislature will be kicking off in St Paul and the pro-aborts are going to be pushing for even MORE abortion laws as well as attempting to STOP our ability to challenge abortion laws in court.

Worse, with Democrats in control in St Paul, they’ll try to flood the coffers of abortionists across the state with even more of YOUR tax dollars and up the body count in Minnesota from 10,000 dead babies per year to 20,000 or even 30,000.

It’s absolutely heartbreaking.

Make no mistake, we’re truly in the fight of our lives to save the unborn and undo the damage that has been done in Minnesota. The stakes couldn’t be higher!

But for the next few weeks our focus needs to be on mobilizing pro-lifers across Minnesota to put pressure on our state lawmakers coming into St Paul for the 2024 session!

And that’s why I am counting on your support. It’s so needed.

Won’t you please agree to renew your support in Minnesota Right to Life for 2024, with the most generous contribution that you can afford?

Minnesota Right to Life is standing up to the abortionists and preparing to fight for the unborn on multiple fronts in the coming year.

Let me explain.  

Right here in Minnesota, Tim Walz and the blood-thirsty pro-aborts who run our legislature are trying to put an amendment into the Minnesota State Constitution guaranteeing the ‘right’ to kill an unborn baby — including an 8lb baby, days away from being born!

And their plan is already underway.

You see, it’s no secret that Minnesota now has some of the worst laws in America on the books when it comes to abortion.

From late term abortions to zero restrictions on minors getting abortions, and even post-birth abortions, Minnesota is awash with the blood of innocent babies.

Every single year, approximately 10,000 babies in Minnesota are put to death for the crime of being ‘inconvenient.’ Minnesota State’s own reporting lists “inconvenient” as the reason for an abortion in nearly 98% of cases!

Fighting to stop the expansion of abortion laws in St Paul is tough, to be sure. But when Roe v Wade was overturned last summer, it opened up a path to fighting for the unborn in court.

That’s why Tim Walz and Planned Parenthood are trying to amend our constitution. They know that pro-lifers may be able to challenge our new abortion laws in court, in the wake of Roe v Wade being struck down!

But they also know that if the state constitution protects the ‘right’ to an abortion, it will be much harder for pro-life organizations like MNRTL to win these victories in court.

Make no mistake: Walz and his allies are ‘all in.’

Thankfully, there are two places where pro-lifers like you and me can potentially defeat this referendum and defend the babies. The first is in the legislature. The second is by appealing to the voters of Minnesota.

Amending the state constitution takes time.

First, the legislature votes on the changes. If they approve them, a general election needs to take place. If that happens, the people of Minnesota must vote on it themselves.

Fortunately, thanks to monumental pressure from pro-lifers across the state, the Minnesota legislature did NOT take action on this bill in the 2023 legislative session! 

This is good news and that’s why Minnesota Right to Life is keeping the bulk of our firepower on the legislature to stop this constitutional amendment.

So won’t you please help us in this fight by renewing your commitment and support in MNRTL today?

But our fight to stop the abortion amendment in the Minnesota legislature is not the only fight we’re facing going into 2024, we also need to be fighting in Congress!

You see, in June of 2022, when Roe v Wade was struck down, the Court rightly stated that there is no Constitutional right to murder an unborn baby — and that the abortion issue must be settled at the state level!

Anticipating this wonderful decision, over a dozen states had passed ‘trigger laws’ that immediately banned abortion once Roe v. Wade was overturned, saving countless baby’s lives.

Praise God!

And with FOURTEEN states having now banned abortion, it’s very likely that another eight to twelve ‘red’ states will be pushing similar legislation in the near future.

But Democrats in Congress are furious about this and determined to REVERSE the overturning of Roe, which is why Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-CA) has introduced H.R. 12, a bill to codify abortion into Federal law!

This bill already has a STAGGERING 211 co-sponsors when the bill only needs 218 votes to pass!

The MNRTL team has spent a lot of time advocating for the babies in D.C. this year and here are the facts on the ground.

Yes, the GOP controls the House, but the new Speaker Johnson, while better than Speaker McCarthy, has the smallest GOP majority since 1931 and getting him to fight against abortion may be very difficult.

That’s why it’s vital that you renew your membership and support in Minnesota Right to Life to help us fight against H.R. 12 in 2024!

You see, many pro-abort RINOs blame you and me for being “too pro-life” and “costing them votes” in the 2022 midterms.

And now, after losing the Governor’s race in Kentucky as well as the House of Representatives in Virginia just last week, the GOP is promising to be “more pro-choice in the future” and is all-but running away from the issue!   

That’s why assuming that our GOP Congressional delegation will hold in line in Washington is NOT a foregone conclusion!

I can hardly describe the details of what would happen if H.R. 12 became law. This legislation protects the ‘right’ to:

  • Kill FULL-TERM babies up to the moment of birth! To be clear, H.R. 12 allows for fully formed babies with hair on their little heads and nails on their little toes to be executed in the womb.
  • Allow girls as young as 13 to get abortions! This bill does NOT put age restrictions on abortion and requires ZERO parental consent for young girls to make the choice to kill an unborn child.
  • Allow partial-birth abortions on demand! The process for a partial-birth abortion is more gruesome and stomach-turning than I can even describe, yet this practice will be protected and legal under H.R. 12.

In many ways it mirrors what was passed here in Minnesota during the 2023 legislative session.

The major difference is that if H.R. 12 becomes law, it would literally mean the difference between life and death for countless unborn babies NATION WIDE and would overturn many pro-life laws across the country.

As you can see, we have our hands full going into 2024 and that’s why your membership renewal in Minnesota Right to Life is so important, because we can’t do it without you!

We have a plan to fight this.

And we must fight if we are to stop Planned Parenthood and their bought and paid for politicians from passing the most brutal abortion laws in America or stop the MNDFL from codifying abortion laws into the MN Constitution.

But sadly, it’s not going to happen without a massive amount of grassroots pressure.

Every bit of our program is designed to turn up the heat on lawmakers in St Paul and D.C. and to make sure they know that: “IF YOU VOTE AGAINST THE UNBORN THEN YOU’LL LOSE YOUR JOB!”

This is our best chance at pressuring them to STOP their agenda.

In fact, insiders have confirmed that weak-kneed Democrats are already nervous about having to take MORE tough votes on abortion issues when we’re heading into the 2024 election cycle because MNRTL is preparing to expose them in ways other organizations have never done.

That’s why next session we need to FIGHT for the babies with everything we have and make sure the baby killers know we’re not taking their radical abortion policies sitting down!

But this won’t happen without your support.

Every piece of mail, every radio ad, every sponsored social media post costs money — money that we spent HEAVILY in the 2023 legislative session.

So won’t you please click the link or the image below and renew your support for Minnesota Right to Life with your most generous contribution TODAY?

I don’t know what you can afford.

Some folks have blessed our work with contributions of $500 and even $1000.

Perhaps that’s within your budget to help us next year?

Or maybe $250, $100, $50 or $25 is more reasonable right now?

The amount you decide to contribute as you renew your support is entirely up to you, but with so many fights on our hands in 2024, I hope that you will be generous.

I shudder to think of what might happen if we don’t stand up for the babies and fight back against this gruesome agenda.

Thank you, in advance, for your renewed support for 2024 and God bless you!