If you thought the massive abortion bills that Minnesota passed this year was the final blow to the unborn here in our state, I have some terrible news for you.

Tim Walz and the blood thirsty pro-aborts who run our legislature are trying to put an amendment into the Minnesota State Constitution guaranteeing the ‘right’ to kill an unborn baby — including an 8lb baby, days away from being born! 

And their plan is already underway.

I’ll explain the details of this process and the impact this amendment will have on the unborn (and our fight to defend them) in just a moment.

But I want to be clear: I am asking every Minnesotan who cares about the unborn to immediately sign and submit the linked petition and help with a generous donation IMMEDIATELY!

It’s no secret that Minnesota now has some of the worst laws in America on the books when it comes to abortion.

From late term abortions to zero restrictions on minors getting abortions, and even post-birth abortions, Minnesota is awash with the blood of innocent babies.

Every single year, approximately 10,000 babies in Minnesota are put to death for the crime of being ‘inconvenient.’ Minnesota State’s own reporting lists “inconvenient” as the reason for an abortion in nearly 98% of cases!

Fighting to stop the expansion of abortion laws in St Paul is tough, to be sure. But when Roe v Wade was overturned last summer, it opened up a path to fighting for the unborn in court.

That’s why Tim Walz and Planned Parenthood are trying to amend
our constitution. They know that pro-lifers may be able to challenge our new abortion laws in court, in the wake of Roe v Wade being struck down!

But they also know that if the state constitution protects the ‘right’ to an abortion, it will be much harder for pro-life organizations like MNRTL to win these victories in court.

Make no mistake: Walz and his allies are ‘all in.’

Thankfully, there are two places where pro-lifers like you and me can potentially defeat this referendum and defend the babies. The first is in the legislature. The second is by appealing to the voters of Minnesota.

Amending the state constitution takes time.

First, the legislature votes on the changes. If they approve them, a general election needs to take place. If that happens, the people of Minnesota must vote on it themselves.

Fortunately, thanks to monumental pressure from pro-lifers across the state, the Minnesota legislature did NOT take action on this bill this legislative session!

This is good news and that’s why Minnesota Right to Life is keeping our firepower focused on the legislature to stop this constitutional amendment.

But I want to be clear: in spite of what the DFL and many in weak members of the GOP have said, killing unborn babies is NOT a right codified in the Minnesota Constitution.

In the Doe v Gomez opinion handed down from the unhinged Minnesota Supreme court in 1995, a woman has the ‘right’ to an abortion – but that’s all it was, an OPINION.

The right to kill babies is NOT CODIFIED into the Minnesota Constitution, and if MNRTL has anything to say about it, it NEVER WILL BE!

Your signed petition is an important part of this effort!

Our goal is to flood the State Senate and the House with hundreds of thousands of signed petitions from organized pro-lifers, but especially Democrats in vulnerable districts.

If Democrats in swing seats start feeling the heat, they are going to start thinking about voting no on this bill (or just not showing up that day.) Not because they are suddenly pro-life, but because they want to keep their job and next year is election year!

Will we be successful?

I don’t know. But that’s not up to you, or me.

Ezekiel 22:30 talks about God looking across the land for someone to “stand in the gap for me.” And in Matthew 25:40, God tells us that, “as you did to one of the least of these, you did it to me.”

So as pro-life Minnesotans, we don’t have a choice. We are called to fight for the unborn, in faith, knowing that God decides when and how to add His increase.

But God expects us to do our part; to do the work.

That’s why Minnesota Right to Life’s team has put together a plan to identify and mobilize the largest army of pro-life voters that the politicians in St Paul have ever seen!

We’ll be activating this grassroots army using:

  1. Targeted digital ads; which allow us to reach hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers across the state, giving them the facts that the pro-aborts in St Paul want to hide. These ads are very cost efficient, too, as they are re-shared.
  2. A powerful texting program; text-based alerts are one of the most effective tools at our disposal because they appear right on pro-lifers’ phones and have an almost 100% viewing rate. And they are very cost effective, too.
  3. The biggest direct mail and email program possiblenothing penetrates Big Tech’s censorship more thoroughly these days than direct mail and email communication. In fact, mail and email programs are more important than ever for pro-lifers as they cannot be ‘deplatformed!’
  4. Radio and TV ad when floor votes are scheduled; nothing reaches mass quantities of pro-lifers faster than a radio and TV blitz. Sure they are expensive, but our ads will hit hard and are worth every penny, especially in tight races.

The program has one purpose: to apply maximum pressure on a targeted list of the most vulnerable Democrats in the State Senate. And believe me, we’re going to make some noise, just like we did this legislative session!

But MNRTL can’t do this without your help.

So please sign and submit the petition that we’ve prepared for you, so your State Representative and State Senator know exactly where you stand on the unborn, and what you expect of them.

But that’s not all.

Before you submit your signed petition, I hope that you’ll prayerfully consider a donation of $100, $250, or even $500 to help me implement the plan I laid out above!

I know that’s asking for a lot.

But the stakes couldn’t be higher! With Roe v. Wade being overturned, we have a real chance at seeing some of Minnesota’s new heinous abortion laws struck down in court.

But if the ‘right’ to kill unborn babies is put into our state constitution, it will be much harder, and it will lead to Walz advancing even more pro-abortion laws in St Paul!

So if $500 or $250 are simply not possible, I hope that you’ll at least consider $50, or $25 — so that we can put our plan into motion immediately.

I know that God has called me to fight for the babies using every tool and technique that MNRTL can bring to bear. If you feel that same call, join us!

Please sign your petition (and please send the most generous donation you can afford) right away!

For the Babies, 

Minnesota Right to Life