With the Democrats on the warpath right now and still weeks to go before session ends, this is the last email I wanted to be writing you right now . . .

But after we spent over $100,000 to FIGHT Planned Parenthood’s abortion agenda so far this year, money is tight. Too tight.

As you know, the Democrats have full control of the Minnesota legislature and are going ‘ALL IN’ on removing EVERY restriction on abortion from state code — and expanding taxpayer funded abortions — and I’m worried that lack of resources are going to force me to scale back on my FIGHT for the babies in these critical final weeks when we need to double down against their abortion bills!

Josh, Minnesota Right to Life isn’t “my” organization. It’s yours.

Without the generosity of God-fearing, pro-life, folks like you, none of the important work we do opposing Tim Walz and the DFL’s pro-abortion agenda on behalf of the unborn would be possible.

So, I need your advice on what you think I should do in the weeks ahead.

As you’ll see, I’ve linked to a special Minnesota Right to Life Supporter Ballot with this email.

Won’t you please fill it out and submit it to me right away?

You see, for the last few months, Minnesota Right to Life has been leading the fight in St Paul, mobilizing pro-life voters, testifying against abortion bills in committee and putting pressure on pro-abortion politicians.

But the truth is, the media, the Abortion Lobby, and members of BOTH parties all understand just how big of a year
2023 is for the pro-life movement in Minnesota.

You see, during the 2021 legislative session, BOTH parties sent way over a MILLION dollars to Planned Parenthood abortionists, according to the MN Department of Health, money that was used to fund the slaughter of over 10,000 Minnesota babies PER YEAR!

And though the numbers aren’t out for 2022 yet, it’s likely to be more than ever before!

But this is just the start of what we’re facing in terms of taxpayer funded abortions in Minnesota in 2023 under DFL control.

You see, after the downfall of Roe v Wade, the Supreme Court rightly said that states must make their own decisions on whether or not to allow abortions to take place.

Neighboring states like Iowa, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota and other states had wonderful trigger laws in place that protected life by essentially outlawing the murder of babies in those states.

But pro-death Governor Tim Walz has made a horrible decree that if anyone can’t get an abortion in one of those states, they’re more than welcome to come to Minnesota to kill their baby — all on MINNESOTA TAXPAYERS’ DIME!!

Just last year, 10,136 Minnesota babies were murdered in their mother’s wombs for the ‘crime’ of being inconvenient –- more than the entire population of Norman and Traverse counties combined!

But if Tim Walz is successful in coaxing out-of-staters to come to Minnesota for FREE abortions, paid with your tax dollars, I’m terrified we could see 20,000, 30,000 or even 40,000 abortions being performed in Minnesota EVERY YEAR.

Worse, Democrats in St Paul are working RIGHT NOW to MASSIVELY increase the funding for abortions via the Health and Human Services bill and other appropriations bills.

So if you think standing up to the Democrat’s agenda to INCREASE taxpayer funding for abortion is most important in these critical final weeks, please mark: “DEFEAT TAXPAYER FUNDED ABORTIONS!” on your Supporter Ballot.

But I’m afraid taxpayer funded abortions isn’t the only piece of grotesque legislation that the DFL majorities and Tim Walz want to pass in St Paul.

As you know, on January 31st, Tim Walz signed a bill codifying the ‘Right’ to an abortion in Minnesota and NOW they’re trying to pass a bill removing ALL restrictions on abortion from Minnesota code.

I don’t need to tell you what a disaster this would be for the little babies.

If signed into law, S.F. 70/H.F. 91 will:

  • 1. Remove the requirement for ‘Parental Notification’ before an abortion!
  • 2. Remove restrictions on taxpayer funding for abortions!
  • 3. Legalize the killing of babies that are BORN ALIVE during a botched abortion!!

It’s this bill that MNRTL has been waging an all-out war against over the last couple of months and so far, we’re stopping it in the Senate!

This radical abortion legislation is truly extreme and hard to fathom.

Combine codifying Roe v Wade with removing restrictions on abortion AND unlimited taxpayer funding from our DFL legislative majorities and you have a future of absolute death for countless tens of thousands of babies.

So if you think standing up to the Abortion Lobby’s push to remove ALL restrictions on abortion from Minnesota code is most important, please mark: “STOP POST-BIRTH ABORTIONS!” on your Supporter Ballot.

But sometimes the best defense is a good offense and that’s why Minnesota Right to Life also wants to push HARD for votes on Life-at-Conception legislation!

If passed, the Minnesota Life at Conception Act would end abortion across our state by legislatively declaring that life begins at the moment of conception.

Life at Conception simply recognizes that scientific, Biblical fact, banning abortion and providing stiff penalties for abortionists.

Life-at-Conception legislation would ABSOLUTELY NOT be subject to judicial review, either.

Every Christian in the state knows that the courts are enemies to our worldview, constantly working to make sure that more and more babies are put to death for the crime of being inconvenient. This legislation would not be open for judicial review.

Forcing votes on this critical legislation is also a good way to find out for sure which politicians are really pro-life and which just “talk the talk” to get elected.

The good news is, just forcing votes on the Minnesota Life at Conception Act puts you and me in a win/win situation.

Either we get the votes we need to pass this critical legislation –- which would be difficult with radical pro-aborts controlling the Minnesota Legislature — or pro-abortion politicians in BOTH parties will pay the price when they’re up for reelection next time around!

If nothing else, fighting for Life-at-Conception is a good way to put the radical pro-aborts on defense when they want to be on offense!

So if you think forcing a public, roll-call vote on the Minnesota Life at Conception Act should be Minnesota Right to Life’s top priority in these critical final weeks, please mark “FORCE VOTES ON THE MINNESOTA LIFE AT CONCEPTION ACT” on your Member Ballot.

As you can see, there are no easy choices.

And I can’t imagine being forced to give up on any one of these critical fights.

That’s why I’m coming to you today to ask that you please help me choose where Minnesota Right to Life should concentrate our resources in these final weeks when so many bills are being passed in St Paul.

Of course, as you’ll see from your Supporter Ballot, there is one more option.

It’s the one I hope and pray you’ll choose, for the babies.


But please realize just how serious this is first.

As I mentioned, we’ve spent over $100,000 this session so far, wisely fighting against the pro-aborts, and without a massive influx of funds, I simply won’t be able to do everything that needs to be done in these next 5 weeks.

So, won’t you please include a generous donation along with your signed member ballot, to help us expand our digital and direct mail programs and continue our critical fights in St Paul?

I don’t know what you can afford, and I know I don’t say thank you as often as I should. But the hour is crucial.

So, maybe you can afford $100 or even $500 as some have done?

Or if that’s just too much — even considering just how high the stakes are — could you consider $50 or at least $25?

All I ask is that you please give what you can.

Josh, stopping taxpayer funded abortions, stopping H.F.91/S.F.70 and forcing the Left on defense is key to saving the lives of innocent little unborn boys and girls in Minnesota.

If we don’t, I shudder to think what Minnesota will look like if the radical pro-aborts get their way at the end of this legislative session.

Please fill out your Supporter Ballot and submit it to me right away with your most generous contribution and I’ll keep you updated!

For the Babies, 

Amanda Fuller
Minnesota Right to Life