In the final weeks of session, the Minnesota legislature will be taking up the Health and Human Services Omnibus bill, which is a giant concoction of bills that, among other things, funds Planned Parenthood and pays for abortions in Minnesota!

For many years, even the GOP majorities in Minnesota voted to fund abortion via the HHS bill and many turned a blind eye to that betrayal. 

Now, the DFL wants to go even deeper and give even MORE money to Planned Parenthood!

If you think Planned Parenthood should be DEFUNDED instead of being given MORE, click here or on the button and tell your Representatives to VOTE NO on abortionist funding!

Just consider the gruesome facts:

  • Taxpayer funding: Planned Parenthood now receives over $1.8 million taxpayer dollars EVERY DAY, an increase of 6% and a record high — equaling more than a third of its revenue.
  • Excess revenue: Planned Parenthood’s excess revenue over expenses is $204.7 MILLION, the highest amount recorded since 2017.
  • Abortions: Planned Parenthood bragged about their killing numbers from last year, which landed at a staggering 374,155 dead babies.
  • As a corporation, Planned Parenthood kills an average of 1,025 preborn babies every day, nearly 43 every hour, and one every 84 seconds in 2021-22. Planned Parenthood still commits more than 40% of all abortions in the U.S.

That’s why it’s well past time that we STOP funding the death of our own babies and DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD in Minnesota!

When you’re done signing your petition, I hope you’ll be able to make a contribution to our cause so we can get the word out about what’s happening.

The sad truth is many pro-lifers have no idea that Planned Parenthood is funded through our Health and Human Services funding bills. They don’t know that Republicans AND Democrats are voting for it! 

Many Minnesotans have no idea how many babies are being killed in Minnesota every year, how much money Planned Parenthood is getting or who is voting for it. 

But we, with your help, intend to tell them!

Minnesota Right to Life doesn’t get government grants like Planned Parenthood does. We’re funding by pro-life Minnesotans who believe in the cause of LIFE!

If that’s you, I hope you’ll prayerfully consider a donation today!

Thank you for your unwavering defense of preborn babies. You and I are truly their only hope.

For the Babies, 

Amanda Fuller
Minnesota Right to Life