Today is the day. 

The Health and Human Services Omnibus bill is coming for a vote on the Senate floor. 

In this bill, among many other pieces of morality-destroying legislation, is taxpayer funding for abortions and language that will allow the killing of babies AFTER they’ve been born during a botched abortion

Yes, you heard that right. Our state is about to vote on legislation that will allow living, breathing, crying babies to be left to die on a steel-cold table in a dark abortionist’s lab.

I’m asking every pro-lifer in Minnesota to CALL or TEXT the two Senators listed below and insist that they vote NO on the abortion bill before the Senate today.

Senator John Hoffman 
Email[email protected]
Call: 763-245-7562

Senator Rob Kupec
Email:[email protected]
Call: 218-979-4926

In particular, Senator John Hoffman was rumored to be opposed to post-birth abortions, acknowledging that it’s a BABY and should not be killed. 

Yet with the impending vote today, Hoffman appears to be selling out his own principals in order to give another abortion “win” to the DFL. 

So call, text or email him (and Rob Kupec) right away and tell him to stop this abhorrent attack on unborn and BORN babies in Minnesota and vote NO on the HHS bill before the Senate today

When you’re done, I hope you’ll prayerfully consider contributing to our work defending the unborn and Christ’s righteousness in St Paul and broader Minnesota.

This has been a challenging legislative session but we have an opportunity to regroup, educate pro-life Minnesotans on what’s happening in St Paul and the issues we face and push forward with a pro-life message. 

But we can’t do all of that without your continued support, so once you’re done contacting Senators Hoffman and Kupec, please chip in and we’ll keep you informed!

For the Babies, 

Amanda Fuller
Minnesota Right to Life