We wanted to take a moment to celebrate a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to one year since Roe v Wade was overturned!

Because of that Godly decision on June 24, 2022, unborn babies all across the country are being saved, mostly in states that had trigger laws in effect that made it illegal for abortionists to do their wicked deeds. 

So today, we thank God with full hearts that we got to see Roe overturned after so many long years of prayers and hard work

But our work is not done in Minnesota, not by a long shot. 

While surrounding states have seen a drastic decline in abortions in recent months and years, Minnesota’s numbers are likely to climb after Tim Walz signed a plethora of new abortion bills in 2023 and is encouraging women from out of state to do “abortion tourism”, coming to Minnesota to kill their babies. 

Minnesota Right to Life is at the drawing board, making the hard plans and laying the ground work for the days ahead to reverse these outrageous laws, but we need your help to be successful. 

The fact is, in order to stop this abortion rampage in Minnesota and reverse the damage that’s being done, MNRTL will need identify, educate and mobilize far more pro-lifers than we have in the past.

To do that costs money. 

But we KNOW that Minnesota is a pro-life state and that Minnesotans who care about the unborn outnumber pro-aborts 10 to 1!

We just need to get them all marching in lockstep to fight this political and culture war that we’re facing here in Minnesota. 

Can you help?

With your help and with God’s blessings, I know we can turn the tide in Minnesota and save unborn lives! 

God bless you and praise Him for 1 year of Roe v Wade being overturned!

For the Babies, 

Ben Dorr
Executive Director
Minnesota Right to Life