Pro-abort politicians in Minnesota have been working very hard to pass their entire abortion agenda into Minnesota law, we’re still pausing right now to PRAISE GOD for answering our prayers last year and ending Roe vs Wade!

This has and will save countless pre-born babies’ lives across our country as many states have phenomenal laws in place that protect the lives of babies who cannot protect themselves!

Frustratingly and unforgivably, Minnesota is not one of those states.

Worse, pro-death Governor, Tim Walz, has made a horrible decree that if anyone can’t get an abortion in a surrounding state like Iowa, Wisconsin, or South Dakota, they’re more than welcome to come to Minnesota to kill their baby — all on MINNESOTA TAXPAYERS’ DIME.

In 2021, 10,136 Minnesota babies were murdered in their mother’s wombs for the ‘crime’ of being inconvenient –- more than the entire population of Norman and Traverse counties combined!

But if Tim Walz is successful in coaxing out-of-staters to come to Minnesota for FREE abortions, paid with your tax dollars, I’m terrified we could see 15,000, 20,000 or even 25,000 abortions being performed in Minnesota EVERY YEAR going forward.

If you’re as opposed to that as we are, please take a moment to sign and submit this special petition, insisting that your Representatives in St Paul support the Minnesota Life-at-Conception Act!

Minnesota Right to Life wants to END abortion in Minnesota and finish the work that was started with the overturning of the wicked Roe ruling.

We don’t want to ‘manage abortion’ or ‘regulate it’, like other so-called “pro-life” organizations do, and we certainly don’t want this fight to just drag on indefinitely so it can extend political careers in St Paul.

I know that you want to end abortion, too.

That’s why our TOP OFFENSIVE GOAL for the pro-life movement is the advancement of Life-at-Conception legislation, which would outlaw the killing of pre-born boys and girls in Minnesota!

You see, whether the pro-abortion crowd wants to admit it or not, from the moment of conception, unborn babies are genetically human, scientifically alive and have DNA distinct from their mothers.

From that moment forward, their hair and eye color — all the way down to the shape of their little toes — has already been determined by God.

So, science proves what the Bible has told us to be true all along: that unborn babies are living humans with the same right to life as you and me and MUST be protected!

So you know, LAC is made up of several key tenants:

  • Life-at-Conception would legislatively declare that life begins at the moment of conception.Once we declare that, Minnesota’s existing homicide laws would automatically protect that unborn baby’s life, just like the law does for you and me; allowing an abortionist to be prosecuted like a ‘regular’ murderer is prosecuted.
  • Life-at-Conception legislation would ABSOLUTELY NOT be subject to judicial review.Every Christian in the state knows that the courts are enemies to our worldview, constantly working to make sure that more and more babies are put to death for the crime of being inconvenient. This legislation would not be open for judicial review.
  • Enforcement of this legislation would fall to Minnesota’s county attorneys, the same as any other crime.This allows for prosecutorial discretion, which would be necessary in prosecuting a case like this. Some women are drug into an abortion clinic by force or have been rendered helpless by drugs or alcohol -– meaning that they are not responsible for the killing of that baby.But here in Minnesota, pro-abortion organizations openly brag that a staggering 98.8% of all abortions are performed because of mere ‘inconvenience’ or ‘financial difficulty’, which means it’s a very intentional act.

You see, passing this legislation is how we end abortion in Minnesota!

This is how we save unborn lives!

And THIS is how we spark a movement that could be followed by lawmakers in other states, saving even more lives!

So click this link or the image below and tell your Senators and Representatives that Minnesota is STILL a pro-life state and to support Life-at-Conception legislation!

But for this push to be successful, it needs to be big, meaning we need to mobilize as many pro-life voters as possible to get involved in contacting their lawmakers in support of this legislation.

So I simply must ask for your help.

Won’t you please include a generous donation, along with your signed petition, to help us expand our digital and direct mail programs to gather as many signed petitions as possible?

I don’t know what you can afford. And the good news is, there are no limits, so you can give whatever amount you choose.

A few very generous folks have been able to give $1,000 to $2500, while others have given $500 or $250.

I know that’s a lot to ask for and not everyone is in a position to do that. 

So if that’s too much, please give whatever amount you can — whether that’s $100, $50 or even just $25 or $10.

The fact is, passing Life-at-Conception is key to saving the lives of innocent little unborn boys and girls in Minnesota and this is our FIGHT back against Tim Walz and the pro-aborts who have been hammering on abortion legislation all year.

If we do this, we can finish what the overturning of Roe started; ENDING ALL ABORTION in Minnesota forever and stopping the tidal wave of abortion that Tim Walz is calling for AND signing into law this year.

It’s time for pro-lifers to stand up and get loud! This is still a Christian state, where we still believe in right and wrong, good and evil, no matter what the pro-aborts say.

And nothing is more evil than the premeditated, cold, calculated murder of a precious, unborn baby.

So please sign your ‘PASS Life-at-Conception’ petition, as that’s most important, and submit it with your most generous contribution TODAY!

For the Babies, 

Amanda Fuller
Minnesota Right to Life

P.S. The Minnesota Life-at-Conception Act would end abortion here in Minnesota once and for all, by stating that life begins at the moment of conception –- mandating that it be protected!

And with Governor Walz telling expectant mothers to come to Minnesota to kill their babies, using taxpayer funds to do it, passage of Life-at-Conception is absolutely critical.

That’s why I hope you will sign your petition in support of Life-at-Conception legislation right away, insisting that lawmakers do their job and end abortion in Minnesota!

And when you do, I hope that you will also include your most generous contribution of $1000, $500, $250, $100 or even just $50, $25 or $10 so that we can mobilize as many pro-life Minnesotans as possible!