The Minnesota legislature returned today from their Easter break and they’re hopeful they can pass this MAJOR abortion bill before session ends at the end of May and it’s our task to stop them!

You see, Democrats in St Paul are stream-lining a series of the most egregious abortion bills ever seen in Minnesota, and we need your help to stop them and save the babies!

Let me explain.

Last June, God delivered an answer to the prayer of millions of pro-lifers across America when the United States Supreme Court overturned the dreadful Roe v. Wade decision.

In their decision, the Court rightfully stated that there is no Constitutional right to murder an unborn baby — and that the abortion issue must be settled at the state level!

Anticipating this wonderful decision, over a dozen states had passed ‘trigger laws’ that immediately banned abortion once Roe v. Wade was overturned, saving countless baby’s lives.

Praise God!

And with thirteen states having already banned abortion, it’s very likely that another eight to twelve ‘red’ states will be pushing similar legislation in 2023 and beyond.

Sadly, Minnesota is going the OPPOSITE direction when it comes to banning the slaughter of the unborn in our state. In fact, we’re facing all-out assault against the unborn coming directly from Governor Walz and his radical pro-abort allies in the legislature!  

Here in Minnesota, Democrats in St Paul have already passed and signed into law H.F. 1, a bill that codifies the ‘right’ to murder an unborn baby for ANY REASON.

As if were even possible, now they’re trying to pass a WORSE bill, H.F. 91/S.F. 70, a bill that REMOVES all existing restrictions on abortion from state code!

That’s why it’s vital that you read this letter for all the details and SIGN your signed petitions demanding that your State Senator and State Representative VOTE NO on any effort to remove current abortion restrictions from state law!

What makes this situation so dangerous is the fact that the pro-abortion Democrats have passed abortion bills already this year and they’re hoping to pass more!

But this fight isn’t over and Minnesota Right to Life has a plan to FIGHT BACK to stop this next salvo of monstrous abortion bills. More on that below.

I can hardly describe the details of what would happen if H.F.91/S.F.70 becomes law.

This legislation would:

  1. Remove the requirement for ‘Parental Notification’ before an abortion! To be clear, this bill would remove Minnesota’s existing code which requires minors to get their parent’s consent before getting an abortion, allowing young girls to kill their babies without their parents even knowing.
  2. Removes restrictions on taxpayer funding for abortions! As Minnesota Right to Life testified in committee recently, this bill would FORCE Minnesota taxpayers to pay for ALL elective abortions whether we like it or not. All the legislature would have to do is increase the state budget, which they’re trying to do!
  3. Legalize the killing of babies that are BORN ALIVE during a botched abortion! Imagine. A baby is “accidently” born. Breathing. Crying. Laying on a cold table in an abortionist’s operating room. That baby will be allowed to die on that table with ZERO repercussions. It will be protected by law.
  4. Removes virtually ALL RESTRICTIONS on abortion! Anything goes. Minnesota will have the most liberal abortion laws anywhere in the WORLD, on par with North Korea. And Minnesota taxpayers will get to foot the bill.If House File 91/Senate File 70 becomes law, it would literally mean the difference between life and death for countless unborn babies. If it passes, our state would be awash with the blood of so many innocent children that God may not stay silent long.

Ezekiel 22:30 talks about God looking across the land for someone to “stand in the gap for Me.” And in Matthew 25:40, God tells us that, “as you did to one of the least of these, you did it to Me.”

As pro-life Minnesotans, you and I don’t have a choice, we absolutely must act to save innocent babies right now!

Thankfully, Minnesota Right to Life has been working HARD this session to identify and mobilize the largest grassroots army of pro-lifers that the politicians in St. Paul have ever seen!

Our goal is simple: to flood the legislature, especially the Senate where the DFL only have a ONE VOTE majority, with over 100,000 signed petitions (we already have 30,000!) reminding the politicians that pro-lifers are organized and that we’ll make them pay for every vote they cast against the unborn!

So sign YOUR petition right away, telling your representatives that YOU oppose the killing of unborn babies in Minnesota!

The fact is, we don’t need to convince every politician in the state.

Our program will be geared at putting pressure on the weakest members of the DFL caucus! While many already voted for the last abortion bill, some don’t want to spend all session voting on abortion bill after abortion bill, making pro-lifers in their districts angry! Those are the ones we’ll target!   

Minnesota Right to Life has a cutting-edge team of pro-life activists who are going to use every tool at our disposal to rally pro-lifers like you and me.

Part of our program includes:      

  1. Targeted digital adsour online ads have already been seen by over 500,000 Minnesotans, giving them the facts that the pro-aborts in St. Paul want to hide! These ads are very cost efficient, too, as they are re-shared.
  2. A powerful texting program; text-based alerts are one of the most effective tools at our disposal because they appear right on pro-lifers’ phones and have an almost 100% viewing rate. And they are very cost effective, too.
  3. The biggest direct mail and email program possiblenothing penetrates Big Tech’s censorship more thoroughly these days than direct mail and email communication. In fact, mail and email programs are more important than ever for pro-lifers as they cannot be ‘deplatformed!’
  4. Radio and TV ads when floor votes are scheduled; nothing reaches mass quantities of pro-lifers faster than a radio and TV blitz. Sure they are expensive, but our ads will hit hard and are worth every penny, especially in tight races.

This grassroots program will apply maximum pressure on the politicians in St Paul. I know that first-hand, as the Minnesota Right to Life team has been working the committee rooms testifying against these abortion bills for days!

As a mother myself, I feel the call of Ezekiel 22 and Matthew 25, and I am committed to doing my part to stop these perverse killings in Minnesota.

But I can’t do this without your help.

So please sign and submit the petitions that we’ve prepared for you, so your politicians in St. Paul know exactly where you stand!

But that’s not all.

Before you submit your signed petitions, I hope that you’ll prayerfully consider a generous donation of to help me implement the plan of attack I’ve described above!

I don’t know what you can afford. Some have given $500, $1000 and even $2000 to help fund our ads, mobilization programs and so much more.

Is that something that fits in your budget?

I know that’s asking for a lot.

But with Democrats pushing a bill to remove ALL restrictions on abortion, the stakes for the unborn simply could not be higher. And what we do over the next year here in Minnesota will decide if our state defends innocent life or sits back while unborn babies are murdered en masse.

So, if the amount I listed above is simply not possible, I hope that you’ll at least consider $250 or at least $100, $50 or $25 — so that we can put our plan into motion immediately!

We may be successful at stopping this expansion of baby killing this session in St Paul, or we may not.

I know that God’s called me to fight for the babies using every tool and technique that Minnesota Right to Life can bring to bear. But God will decide when and how to add His increase.

If you feel called to stand for the unborn, submit your signed petitions along with the most generous donation you can afford!

For the Babies, 

Amanda Fuller
Minnesota Right to Life

P.S. Last summer God answered the generational prayer of millions of pro-lifers when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade and said that abortion was a state issue.

But while dozens of states are using this blessing to make abortion illegal, Governor Tim Walz and the pro-aborts in St. Paul are pushing H.F.91/S.F.70, a bill to remove abortions restrictions, allow minors to get abortions without parental consent and even allow POST-BIRTH abortion!

Minnesota Right to Life is mounting a massive, statewide operation to flood the legislature with petitions from pro-lifers from every corner of the state — to save unborn babies from death.

Please rush me your signed petition against Walz’ anti-baby, anti-Christ agenda.
And when you do, please include a gift of $1000, $500, $250 or at least $100, $50 or $25 to help us