Time is short so I’ll be quick.

Friday morning the Minnesota Senate will be taking up 3 horrible, family-destroying bills and our Executive Director filmed a short video for you to get all the details!

Please take 5 minutes to watch and then take action below to stop them!

To watch the video on YouTube, CLICK HERE!

To watch the video on Facebook, CLICK HERE or on the image below!

When you’re done watching, click the link right here and sign your pledge telling your Senator to VOTE NO on these Godless bills!

Next, I’m asking every pro-live Minnesotan to contact the Senators listed below, as they are the weakest members of the DFL caucus and will be easiest to sway.

Whether you call or email them, be sure to tell them firmly that you want a NO VOTE on S.F. 23, S.F. 63 and S.F. 165!

Tell them that if they vote for these bills, they will answer to the voters in 2026, but most importantly they will answer to God.

So please call or email:

👇  👇  👇  👇  👇  👇

Senator Grant Hauschild (SD3-Hibbing)
Email: [email protected]
Call: 651-296-1789

Senator Rob Kupec (SD4-Moorhead)
Email: [email protected]
Call: 218-979-4926

Senator Judy Seeberger
Email: [email protected]
Call: 651-297-8060

Senator John Hoffman
Email: [email protected]
Call: 651-296-4154

The politicians who control our state legislature are rebellious haters of God’s Law and they’re doing all they can to obliterate the nuclear family, destroy morality in our culture and put our children at great risk by usurping the God-given rights of parents to make decisions for our children!

But now we need to spread the word about these bills to EVERY
pro-life/Christian/Conservative voter in Minnesota so that they can help pressure the Senate to stop these bills.

Can you help?

Please make a contribution today to help our efforts and get the word out!

Again, these bills will be voted on by the Senate Friday morning so we need to work quickly! 

Thank you for signing your petition, making the phone calls and for praying for our cause and we’ll keep you up to date.

For the Babies, 

Amanda Fuller
Minnesota Right to Life