With only 6 hours until the end of the 1st quarter of 2023, we’re only $3,800 short of our PRO-LIFE fundraising goal! 

This is great news and I’m hoping we can hit our goal 100% and be on a firm footing going into session in April.

Can you help us hit this goal before midnight and give us the resources we need to fight for the babies?

You see, when the legislature returns after their Easter break, they’ll be working on passing their massive omnibus funding bills for the next 2 years, including the Health and Human Services bill to give taxpayer money to perform abortions

This is one of MANY bills they’re still working on and we’re still FIGHTING!

Don’t let this happen. Don’t let them do this without resistance from us.

There are so many fronts that MNRTL is fighting on right now. Thank you for your prayers, for your financial gifts and for all your support. 

For the Babies, 

Amanda Fuller
Minnesota Right to Life